I have not posted anything on here in quite a while, trying to puzzle out how to meld family fun, life thoughts, and my love of Young Living and my work with my team. We've exploded in the last 2 years to a 700-person team, my White Knight has retired from the Air Force and now works on a special project for our church, (there is a blog coming for that too, YAY!), two new babies born (pics and story to come), my oldest boy turns 18 this year and is 6'3" and 200 lbs and really looks like a ... man. The others are 15, 12, 8, 6, 3, and 1... but for right now, I'm going to start out with ten things that truly great about Young Living - these are things that have really rocked my world to learn about the company I have aligned myself with, and the more I see, the more impressed I am. So join me as I renew my commitment to blogging, and as I renew my commitment to open my doors and share my family with you all. Family pictures and stories will come - this is one I wrote about 2 years ago but still holds true today, so it is a good place to start.

1. When Gary Young says his goal is "oils in every home" he means it!
Each corporate employee is given a $150 product credit to use each month in order to purchase essential oils and oil-infused products. This makes happier employees, and allows them to fall in love with essential oils too so they also can be a "product of the product."
2. Young Living Essential Oils Corporate walks the talk when it comes to giving to others Young Living Corporate pays 100% of the administrative costs for the D. Gary Young/Young Living Foundation.
This allows every penny, nickel, and dime donated by distributors and friends to be put to the various projects and needs supported by the Foundation. Not one dime of distributor-donated funds is put towards covering admin or paperwork needs.
3. Young Living Essential Oils walks the talk when it comes to making care calls and supporting "Team YL".
Silver and above leaders are assigned to regional leadership liaisons. Many of these liaisons make monthly, or even twice-monthly care- and follow-up calls to assigned leader-members to check in on them, see if they can be of service, and be helpful in general. This fosters a company-wide, top-down environment of responsible leadership, and fulfills the Policy and Procedure mandate to support our downline members.
4. Young Living goes green - even when you're not looking!
The used raw material remaining after distillation is complete for a particular oil is put into compost bins in order to provide fertile and ready soil for future crops. Young Living is truly dedicated to keeping our essential oils and products as clean and beyond-organic as possible.
5. Young Living Diamond Leaders are truly DIAMOND leaders!
In 2014, Young Living growth and expansion was so fast that corporate had trouble keeping up!! This meant long wait times when calling customer service for help, and shipping was backed up by several weeks! This was NOT the culture Young Living set up, and our leaders rose to the occasion! A number of diamond leaders (whose names I have not yet discovered :) stepped up to the plate, went to the corporate call centers to take over while call-center-employees headed over to help out in the shipping warehouses. Talk about servant leadership and setting the example! No job is to low for our leaders to take an active role and encourage downline members!
6. Explosive growth meant Young Living Corporate offices expanded from one to FOUR office buildings in fewer than five years!
These buildings were not all that Young Living expanded in order to keep up with demand! They also built at least two new packing and shipping warehouses and hired additional staff. And demand continues to rise!
7. Young Living is the only company that can show you the lay of the land.
No other essential oil company in the United States owns any of it's own farms. Yet Young Living members and the general public can visit Young Living-owned farms for farm-days, family events, Young Living-sponsored leadership events, and more each year! You can get your hands into the soil, take a tour, enjoy special festivities, and ask questions in any of the nine company-owned farms around the world, and better still: Corporate encourages you to go!!
8. Young Living is the only company with 30-years' training and knowledge.
Gary Young began exploring alternative and holistic options more than 30 years ago. Young Living as a company has been in business for 21 years, as of 2015. No other company can talk about being in business for more than twenty years, much less having training going further back than that! This experience matters, as you will see!
9. Young Living puts that 21-years of business to good use.
No other company can offer distributors and retail customers more than 300 essential oils, blends and oil-infused products to use for whole-body health and balance. This is on top of the generous compensation plan.
10. Young Living corporate never makes comparison to other companies - and has set the bar for company expectation.
Not only does Young Living not make comparison to being "like" any other company out there (the folks with the most to show for their work, don't need to brag about it), but it is written in company policy and procedures that members are not to speak poorly of, or "bash", other companies or their distributors. The culture and moral values of a company's top leaders trickles down in many ways. This way of behaving sets a tone company-wide for how everyone is expected to act towards other groups.
What would YOU add to this list? Some additions from commenting helpers...
11. Young Living's Seed to Seal guarantee counts for a lot more than you might think!
When Young Living says our oils are "Therapeutic grade", what exactly does that mean? It does not mean that our oils are "certified" anywhere or by any organization. There are no such distinctions, as yet, in the essential oil universe. However, it does try to give an easy way to sum up Young Living's Seed to Seal Promise. Young Livings maintains strict quality controls of every phase of the essential oil process, from before the seed goes into the ground, until the oil is in the bottle ready to be shipped to your door! Make sure you check out www.seedtoseal.com to see the whole process!
12. Even more quality control goes on behind the scenes!
Young Living sends random samples out for third-party testing to further insure purity and a top-notch product arrives on the Brown Van when delivered.
13. Young Living's ratings are top notch. Young Living has an "A+" rating on the Better Business Bureau.
As the BBB website states: "A BBB Accredited Business since 7/15/2015 BBB has determined that Young Living Essential Oils, LC meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public." While this does not mean that problems never occur, it does give a decent indication that Young Living has made every effort to resolve the complaints and issues that arise in a timely manner. That's top-notch customer service - and that's Young Living.
14. More top-notchery... Young Living is also an accepted member of the Direct Sales Association (DSA).
The DSA website says this: "One of the hallmarks of our Code of Ethics is that it is enforced by an independent administrator empowered by DSA members to resolve issues. The Code Administrator can impose a variety of remedies in the event of a Code violation including calling for refunds, ordering a mandatory repurchase of inventory or other measures as needed. When media reports or other sources make the Administrator aware of allegations that could be Code violations, the Administrator may conduct an investigation into the practices of our members and suggest how issues may be resolved." Young Living has agreed to abide by these standards and the DSA code of ethics.
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