Thursday, September 26, 2013

Several Aspects to Young Living

This is a tiny bit long (when am I not long-winded about something I'm excited over??) but please read and bear with me!

I got thrown into a bit of a cold-water bath the other day. I had a friend call me up to tell me that a woman I had only recently met (and that my friend had met only once or twice as well), had said something about me. This woman was someone I had spent several hours talking to about a wide variety of topics, including Essential Oils. She had even come to my most recent Essential Oil 101 class, and that is where her comments stemmed from.

During the course of an Essential Oils 101 class, I try to introduce the three primary aspects of Young Living Essential Oils: Wellness, Purpose and Abundance, and how they work in my life. As with anything, these will work differently in "Tom's" life, "Sarah's" life or "Mary's" life, I can only speak from my own experience.

One of the things that has been true for me while using Young Living Essential Oils and while building a business within the Network Marketing structure, is that it has been fairly "easy" up to this point. I have shared most of my experiences with YL through talking, either in small classes or one-on-one. The woman who made the quick judgement about me interpreted my words as meaning that the only reason I had come to meet with her for a walking group she was looking to start up was to try to "recruit" her. Wow. {Splash}


So after that lead-in, I want to take a minute to put here in my blog an introduction to the three aspects of Young Living from my experience and perspective. 

When I talk about Essential Oils, I am only talking about Young Living, of course. When I say it has been easy, what I mean (and clearly did not express well, I guess) is that it has been easy to share my successes with Essential Oils because I have seen how they work in my life, my family members' lives, and in the lives of friends and their families.

I have personally had multiple children sick at the same time, throwing up and coughing and looking to snuggle on my shoulder - and avoided getting the slightest sniffle myself by taking a drop of Thieves in my water once or twice a day. I have seen friend after friend stop using over-the-counter and prescription drugs because the oils are working as well (and more often better) than what they were taking before. That is a powerful story - and why would I NOT share something so great?!

Young Living is the longest-lasting active Essential Oil company in the United States (at least - I am not certain about companies found abroad.) The purpose of the company is inherent in their product: to help people live healthier, more natural lives through the purest product they can provide, and, if it is what they're looking for, freedom from the chained-to-a-desk every-day J.O.B. I am living that aspect of Young Living on a daily basis as well.

and Abundance:
Finally, the opportunity to start and build a business from home that gives families a means of earning an income from home. Unlike other Network Marketing companies, it is not a requirement within Young Living to sign people up and "sell" products; it is an option, and one that many of us choose to take advantage of. This is the fourth from-home company I have signed up with, three direct sales companies and Young Living (a blog post is forthcoming on the differences between Network Marketing and Direct Sales - I'll link to that when it's up.) And as I mentioned in my class, this company has been the easiest company I've ever been with to build a solid business through encouragement, teamwork, good, health-based products and intention.

The first few steps in my business-building have been somewhat "accidental", and you can get a little ways in Young Living with an 'accidental' business (mine has taken me to about $150 a month in earnings "accidentally"). The point I am reaching now, I have to be more intentional about my growth - setting goals and mentoring those below me, and while it is requiring more of my time to build, it really has not gotten that much harder.


I love the people I've met who have joined my team. I love being allowed to be part of their lives and being able to talk to them about the various things that we are mutually interested in; I love seeing the communities building and forming between members of my team! It is exciting! And in the process, we are all learning, growing, and, yes, earning together each month.

I was really quite upset to hear that the one lady (whom I really thought I'd had a pretty good rapport with) was affected so negatively by my words that she will no longer answer my questions about getting together for our walking group again. I don't know how I can change that. No paycheck or commission check - or even cash - is worth friendships, stress and worry. I am interested in helping people. It breaks my heart to see someone in pain and not have something to offer besides a lame, "let me know if I can help." Now I have something that is so effective at helping on so many levels. I have been - and plan to keep - talking about it to most of the people I know in some fashion.

I like helping people leave their chemical-laden, side-effect riddled pills behind; I like knowing that I have given others around me a way to reach out and help their friends likewise; I like knowing that because I shared what was shared with me, there are more than a dozen ladies in my life who now have a monthly commission check coming to their mailboxes and that the checks are getting larger each month. I can't beat that!

If you're looking for someone to talk to, I am here and happy to listen. If you're hurting and want to find out what other natural options are out there because the "other stuff" has all failed, I am happy to point you in a direction that might help. If you're looking to bring some extra money in to help your family while staying home to homeschool 3, 4, 5, 6 kids, come talk to me and I will help show you how to build that check fairly rapidly without affecting the time you spend with your children. It can be done - Young Living has many things to offer and I am going to offer all that I can.

But most of all... I offer my friendship, whatever you think of Young Living, Essential Oils, Vaccines, your great Aunt-Gertie. I am here to have fun in life and leave the stress behind.

Live life; Love life; No regrets.

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